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SDA Bocconi School of Management


SDA Bocconi School of Management

MILAN  |  MAY 08, 2024

Restore Balance & Drive Meaningful Change

The Influence, Relevance & Growth (IRG) approach acknowledges that governments and policymakers require in-depth industry know-how and understanding of the implications - from geopolitical to social — to mediate effectively and efficiently among contrasting/ conflicting interests for the greater good.

Private sector leaders are increasingly understanding that their current modus of managing companies is no longer sufficient to manage the scenario illustrated above.

​Companies, universities, and content-generator institutions dispose of this know-how and must identify new methods to transfer this knowledge to politics and the public on a constant basis.

​Companies must do so not out of virtue, but because an incompetent legislator threatens the stability of the markets and, therefore, the value created for shareholders. Companies need to be focused on the core business and inform politics by staying out of it.

Various surveys [1] indicate that the trust placed by the public in companies is now higher than that in governments.

There is, especially in the US, a growing pressure on companies to solve the problems that politics is no longer able to mediate.

​The IRG conference has launched a coalition of know-how generators (Aspen US, Aspen Italia, SDA Bocconi, NEWEST and, companies) and the world’s most relevant business media, CNBC, and its Italy’s Class CNBC.

​The IRG Conference uniqueness stems from this coalition that intends to work together before and after the conference.

Interviews on conference topics will happen before and after May 8. In essence, an innovative platform where leaders can keep on providing solutions via CNBC on the most pressing issues that affect ordinary people.

​To drive meaningful change CNBC and its journalists are of essence to make solutions known, appreciated and, palatable to a larger public.

This IRG process is a concrete attempt to support restoring overtime a balance among governments, companies, media, and NGOs.

[1] The Edelman Trust barometer being one of the most popular. It has analyzed over the past 20 years people’s trust in governments, companies, media and NGOs.


Restore Balance and Drive Meaningful Change. Welcome Remarks
Financial Markets to Sustain Growth
Infrastructures and Artificial Intelligence